So far, you have covered two important concepts called variables and their data types. You have seen how we have used
int, long and
float keywords to specify different data types. You also have seen how we named our variables to store different values.
Though this chapter is not required separately because
reserved keywords are part of basic programming syntax but I kept it
separate to explain it right after data types and variables to make it
easy to understand.
Like int, long, and float, there are many other keywords supported by
C programming language which we will use for different purpose.
Different programming languages provide different set of reserved
keywords, but there is one important & common rule in all the
programming languages that we cannot use a reserved keyword to name our
variables, which means we cannot name our variable like
int or
float rather these keywords can only be used to specify a variable data type.
For example, if you will try to use any reserved keyword for the
purpose of variable name, then you will get syntax error, as follows:
#include <stdio.h>
int float;
float = 10;
printf( "Value of float = %d\n", float);
When you compile above program, it produces the following error:
main.c: In function 'main':
main.c:5:8: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers
int float;
But now let's give proper name to our integer variable, then above program should compile and execute successfully:
#include <stdio.h>
int count;
count = 10;
printf( "Value of count = %d\n", count);
C programming reserved keywords
Here is a table having almost all the keywords supported by C Programming language:
auto |
else |
long |
switch |
break |
enum |
register |
typedef |
case |
extern |
return |
union |
char |
float |
short |
unsigned |
const |
for |
signed |
void |
continue |
goto |
sizeof |
volatile |
default |
if |
static |
while |
do |
int |
struct |
_Packed |
double |
Java programming reserved keywords
Here is a table having almost all the keywords supported by Java Programming language:
abstract | assert | boolean | break |
byte | case | catch | char |
class | const | continue | default |
do | double | else | enum |
extends | final | finally | float |
for | goto | if | implements |
import | instanceof | int | interface |
long | native | new | package |
private | protected | public | return |
short | static | strictfp | super |
switch | synchronized | this | throw |
throws | transient | try | void |
volatile | while |
Python programming reserved keywords
Here is a table having almost all the keywords supported by Java Programming language:
and | exec | not |
assert | finally | or |
break | for | pass |
class | from | print |
continue | global | raise |
def | if | return |
del | import | try |
elif | in | while |
else | is | with |
except | lambda | yield |
I know you cannot memorize all these keywords, but I listed them down for your reference purpose and to explain the concept of
reserved keywords.
So just be careful while giving a name to your variable, you should not
use any reserved keyword for that programming language.
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